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Online Furnace & Boiler Cleaning

Online Furnace & Boiler Cleaning

Refinery and petrochemical plant furnaces or utility boilers that fire fossil fuels are usually prone to some degree of fouling on the fireside. The heavier or ‘dirtier’ the fuel, the more severe the degree of fouling experienced. Fouling fuels include:

  • Coal
  • Lignite
  • Heavy Fuel Oil
  • Vacuum Tar Residues
  • Syncrude
  • Biomass
  • Sour Gasses

The fouling that is generated from the burning of these fuels tends to deposit in all areas along the flue gas path including:

  • Combustion chamber
  • Convection bank or Superheaters
  • Economisers
  • Air-Preheaters
  • Waste Heat Boilers
  • Ducting
Boiler Cleaning Solution
Superheater tube fouling
Economiser Fin tube fouling

The Therma-Chem Online Cleaning Solution

For over 30 years, Therma-Chem UK have developed a novel set of online fire side cleaning solutions, designed to work on all types of process furnaces and boilers burning heavy oil, coal, sour gas or even bio fuels. The cleaning process generally requires the chemical to be injected into the combustion chamber of the effected system using a propriety chemical and injection system.

The chemical works by reacting with the existing hard deposits and foulants on the tubes and reduces them to soft powdery ash allowing units to maintain higher thermal-efficiencies during the run as well as to recover boiler or furnace capacity if it was limited by fouling.

The chemical also neutralises the sulphur deposits on the cold end of the flue gas path preventing cold end corrosion and eases man entry during a maintenance or inspection shutdown.

Therma-Chem Boiler Cleaning

Chemical Injections Into a Coal-Fired Power Plant Boiler

Benefits of the Therma-Chem Online Cleaning System

  • Furnaces are cleaned Online - NO shutdowns or slowdowns required during injections
  • Reduces fouling in various parts of the system - No direct line of sight required towards the problem area.
  • Improves heat transfer by reducing and removing the surface foulants hence improving overall furnace or boiler efficiency
  • Prevents throughput or load reduction due to fouling
  • Better flue gas circulation through the system
  • Reduces high temperature metallic (vanadium/nickel) corrosion
  • Inhibits sulphuric acid (cold end) corrosion
  • Reduces air pollution or acid smutting

Application of Therma-Chem

Over the years, Therma-Chem has successfully treated hundreds of plants and units globally and have experience with virtually most fossil fuel fired Systems Including:

  • Crude and Vacuum Distillation Furnaces
  • Platformer and Reformer Furnaces
  • Thermal Cracker or Visbreaker Furnaces
  • Hot Oil Furnaces
  • Utility Boilers
  • Power Plant Boilers
  • Chain Grate Coal Boilers
  • Pulverized Fuel Coal Boilers
  • Marine Boilers
  • Waste Heat Boilers
  • CO Boilers
  • Hydrotreating and Hydrocracking Furnaces
Therma-Chem Treatment

Super heater tubes in a coal fired boiler before Therma-Chem treatment

Radiant Section Tubes

Radiant section tubes before Therma-Chem treatment in a fuel oil-fired furnace

Economiser fin tubes

Economiser fin tube fouling in a marine boiler firing heavy fuel oil before Therma-Chem treatment

Proper Therma-Chem treatment

After Therma-Chem treatment. Volume of deposits significantly reduced

Fuel oil Fired Furnace

After Therma-Chem treatment in the same fuel oil fired furnace. Volume and nature of deposit chemically altered making it brittle and easily removable

Therma-Chem treatment in marine boiler

Economiser fin tubes in the same marine boiler after Therma-Chem treatment

Environmentally Certified

Therma-Chems technology is UN Certified and is an approved technology as per the Kyoto protocol in reducing green house gas emissions (via boiler energy efficiency improvement) and is eligible for CDM projects. This can be applied for on a case by case basis.

Local Service with Global Expertise

KLAY EnerSol is the exclusive distributor and technical service provider for Therma-Chem in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines, and Pakistan. We have a team of highly trained specialists who can advise and mobilize on short notice if required. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.